If a TV Show, all of a sudden, goes missing in Kodi here’s what you can check for:
– I know this is too obvious, but check if TV Show video files are properly working.
Because if the HDD somehow got corrupted then Kodi can’t see the files.
So if you ‘Clean Library’ the show might have gotten wiped out.
– Next go to Videos -> Files
Right click Source and select Edit Source. Press Okay.
Then in next screen make sure the ‘Exclude Path from Library Updates’ is unchecked.
Update library and check if you get it back.
– If the above steps didn’t work then try this:
Search for the TV Show using search button:
If you find the show using search but the show is showing 0/0 episodes then do following:
–Go to Settings -> Media Settings -> Videos
(Make sure you have Advanced Settings set.)
Here in Library section make sure ‘Show Empty TV shows’ is checked on.
Now go back to TV Shows Screen and if you now see the show, right click and select Information:
It will show you a list of shows matching the folder name. Select the correct show and it should refresh all the episodes.
Hope this guide helps anyone facing a similar issue.