
How to Publicize older Jetpack Posts

Hey guys,

So jetpack does not allow publicizing older posts. And all publicize buttons are disabled. They have a reason written in code:

// We don't allow Publicizing to the same external id twice, to prevent spam.

This post will teach you how to circumvent that limitation. But be careful not to publish your posts multiple times 🙂

Go to:


Open: publicize.php

Current edit is for jetpack version 10.6 line 632. For later releases line number might change.

Find code:

$all_done = $this->post_is_done_sharing( $post_id );

Just below this place this line:

// EDIT: Allow Publicize to process already-published posts
$all_done = false; $service_id_done = false;

Then open your post and change it to Draft and update. Then you will be able to click the publicize buttons. Do remember to click OK. And finally Publish the post.

I found this cool trick in blog:

I just updated the filename and line number to the current latest jetpack version. You might need to make this change, whenever you update jetpack. As updates might overwrite this file. Sorry guys, they don’t provide any options or hooks for this. So, can’t be used in some functions.php code unfortunately. This is a simple workaround for an option they don’t give. They just want to prevent spam and accidentally have our accounts blocked 🙂

This trick is now allowing me to publicize some missed posts.

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